Why Lemniscate stories 21 ?
1) Something new
Indian youth wants something new. We are bored of the usual dramas, remakes and the usual hero-heroine-villain stories. We want something that will be relatable but at the same time make us escape from this boring reality. The lockdown has took its toll on our thoughts anyways
People have even lost interest in OTT web series. We honestly need something new.
2) Westernisation
"Superhero." Whenever you see or hear this word. What comes to your mind. Superman ? Spiderman ? Batman ? Maybe Iron man too. But does it remind you of Doga, Shaktimaan, Krrish, Supercommando Dhruv ?
Don't tell me you haven't heard of these. These are our own Indian characters. Our own Indian superheros. But doesn't it seem like the whole concept of superhero is only WESTERN. ( No conspiracy theories please ! )
3) India at its best !
Again, I would like to put your focus on how we aren't just ready to accept Indian superheros. Indian SciFi. SciFi based on our own country. The stories of the streets, our houses, our friends, our family. Won't it be awesome ?
India is a diverse country. We have thousands of tales. Every person has his own story. Can you even imagine how many stories are we having even now as you read this ?
4) Indian superheroes as cheap copies / Indian adaptations of already established character
"Espiderman.. Espiderman.. tune churaya mere dil ka chain", Funny right ? But see that's the reality of the Indian take on SciFi. Just make a DESI version of some already famous character. And there you go. A desi superhero
But wouldn't it be better if we just make a new one. An original one. With his/her own new features, a fresh backstory. A whole new character that even makes the OG character fans go wild.
5) Usual indian superhero origin story
Now many of you will say that there are a lot of Indian superheros- in comics as well as some movies. What about them ?
I do acknowledge that. But I feel that was long ago. We can't just stick to them anymore. We want something new. As I told in my first point, we want something fresh
Most of the times, our superheroes either receive their superpowers from a deity or are given some special ability by a crazy scientist. Come on, we need to change it.
6) Our understanding about the world around us
While focusing on superhero stories, we often forget the fact that they are humans too. They have their own life, their own life, their friends, their family.
That should be focused too. Rather than having the best story, it's always better to have better characters. Because, people root for characters. People relate to them as the characters make their way to their destination.
7) Human emotions
We often think our emotions are our greatest weakness. Our greatest drawback. They make us vulnerable
But that isn't true. I believe our emotions are our power. They are the reason we are what we are. Humans.
Thisis what makes us different. Different from all those animals out there. So you say, you still don't believe me ?
Check out the first book of Lemniscate stories 21.