
Showing posts from October, 2021

#3 Satvar is here !!!

 With Satvar as the newest addition to this superhero team, we now extend this Desi SciFi universe even more. As we saw in the previous 2 stories - TFIG and Versatile, there's this big organisation Haiwan-e-aatank terrorising the masses and vigilantes trying to overthrow them, the narrative completely shifts to an upper middle class family minding their own business with relationship issues. Incorporating Tejas into this world : We've used our first 2 series to build up this plot, this fictional world that's so close to reality but we the same time, pretty exciting too. Here, instead of adding another vigilante, we decided to add something fresh. So we took this character - Tejas Shinde made his whole story and then integrated him into LS21 by some references. Especially the interval scene where it seems Tejas had some connection with 'The Devil' (Versatile's suit). Ideologies : Omkar and Akshit are more of the left wing ideology. Not entirely, but still they be...